New Watermark Features for Tile and Rotation

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Team imgix
November 10, 2020
3 minute read
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Our family of watermark parameters allows users to add watermarks as text or images and control the positioning, size, alignment, and transparency of the watermark separate from the base image. We’ve now added two new watermark parameters to provide greater flexibility for users looking to add custom watermarks to their images: mark-tile and mark-rot.

This post gives a brief overview of how the new parameters can be used to tile a watermark across an image and customize the rotation of a watermark.

Watermark Tile

The mark-tile parameter allows you to create a tile effect of the watermark that spans the full image. While most values in the watermark family of parameters allow you to place a single mark in a specific location, the mark-tile parameter creates a grid pattern around the single mark.

mark-tile can be useful in instances where you want to apply text or an image such as a logo to protect an image from copyright infringement.

The default value for this parameter is grid. To create a grid of your watermark, set the parameter as mark-tile=grid. The resulting image will look like this:

Example of watermark tile

Watermark Rotation

The mark-rot parameter allows you to control the rotation of a watermark. While there are many uses for watermark rotation, two of the most common use cases are to depict something as “new” or “sold”. For example, our customers in ticket sales, retail, and real estate might find this parameter useful to quickly convey the status of an event, catalog item, or property.

Example of watermark rotation

The mark-tile and mark-rot parameters can also be combined to create a tiled, rotated mark.

Example of watermark with tile and rotation applied

See our documentation on watermark parameters to learn more about mark-tile and mark-rot. If you have any questions or feedback about these new parameters, please let us know.