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Using Dynamic Color Quantization with imgix

Reduce image file sizes by reducing the number of colors in the image, with our color quantization parameter.
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Miguel A. Cardona, Jr.
August 6, 2015

Easily Build imgix URLs with Sandbox

Experiment to get just the right images by playing with parameters in the imgix Sandbox.
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Team imgix
July 28, 2015
Customer Success

See Your Savings with Improved Analytics

Get greater visibility into how your images are performing.
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Team imgix
June 25, 2015
Customer Success

Automatically Create Avatars with Improved imgix Face Detection

Learn about how to use face detection to create user avatars and adjust other types of user-generated content.
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Team imgix
June 19, 2015

Extract EXIF Data and More with JSON Output Format

Learn about the JSON Output Format and how to use it to manipulate your images.
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Team imgix
May 20, 2015

New Trim Parameters

Clean up extra image information like borders with imgix's trim parameters.
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Team imgix
May 12, 2015

Racking Mac Pros: Hardware Design for Web Scale

Get a peek behind the scenes and see how imgix is using Mac Pros at web scale.
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Team imgix
May 8, 2015

Dynamically Blending Images with imgix

Find out how to blend images with colors, text, or other images with imgix's blend parameters.
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Miguel A. Cardona, Jr.
December 30, 2014

Download Behavior for Linked Images

Easily enable your customers to download visual assets with imgix's download parameter.
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Team imgix
November 11, 2014
Customer Success