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Expanding the Reach of Your Images

Our CDN continues to expand, with faster service now in São Paulo and six other new nodes.
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Chris Zacharias, CEO
May 10, 2017
Customer Success

Find and Fix Your Heaviest Images with Page Weight

imgix's Page Weight tool has been updated to make diagnosing heavy images even easier.
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Team imgix
May 3, 2017
Best Practices

How We Are Improving Performance

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Chris Zacharias, CEO
March 17, 2017

How HTTP/2 Can Speed Up Your Site

More details about how HTTP/2 can improve your website performance, and how to make the most of it.
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Tom Dale
March 2, 2017
Best Practices

State of the URL API

Easily validate your imgix-based tools and libraries with our machine-readable API documentation.
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Carol Gunby
February 13, 2017
Best Practices

HTTP/2 Support Now Live!

HTTP/2 support is now live and ready to speed up your images.
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Carol Gunby
January 30, 2017
Customer Success

Redesigning the Knight Foundation Website with imgix

See how Octopus Creative used imgix's auto parameters and imgix.js library to improve performance on a big redesign.
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Sean Washington, Octopus Creative
December 14, 2016
Customer Success

Optimizing Images for PageSpeed

Image performance is key to improving your results on PageSpeed. Find out how imgix can automate optimization and help you pass.
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Carol Gunby
November 30, 2016
Best Practices

Creating Pinterest-Style Images

Home Chef uses imgix to create multi-layered images for Pinterest promotion
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Kevin Lesht, Home Chef
November 28, 2016
Customer Success